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Blog 4: Public Wi-fi Risks


Are you looking for a free Wi-Fi hotspot? Then be prepared to pay with your personal information.

Using free public Wi-Fi has become a daily practice for some individuals in our connected society. Secure and trustworthy connections, however, are not necessarily what they appear to be. Hackers and cybercriminals might take advantage of public Wi-Fi hotspots to breach your privacy and steal your data.

Many of us have been in circumstances when public Wi-Fi is our only choice for getting online right away. If you're a frequent user of the nearby Wi-Fi hotspot, read about the dangers of unprotected Wi-Fi to prevent being a victim of a cyberattack.

Why using public Wi-Fi connections may be dangerous?

Data breaches and virus infections are two of the most serious concerns of using public Wi-Fi. In the first case, hackers using public Wi-Fi can intercept data you send via an unsecured connection. In the second case, fraudsters may imitate a legal website in order to deceive you into downloading malware.

Hackers have a big advantage when they use an unprotected public Wi-Fi network. What makes it vulnerable is this:

• Password security is either absent or inadequate.

• Routers with incorrect settings

• Router software that is no longer supported

• There are many reckless users.

• Using a fake Wi-Fi hotspot.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a type of cybercrime that involves fraudulently acquiring someone's personal information. Cybercriminals most frequently utilize public Wi-Fi hotspots to steal credit card information and commit financial crime. Cybercriminals can use enough information about a person to apply for loans, withdraw money, make purchases, and perform other crimes in their name.

Data Breach

To avoid a data breach, which occurs when hackers get unauthorized access to private information, it is critical to use public Wi-Fi responsibly. Data breaches can damage any type of information you put on your device, unlike identity theft, which mostly concerns financial information. Cybercriminals can steal your images, movies, documents, and contacts, among other things, if you don't know how to use public Wi-Fi safely.

Malware Infection

When you use public Wi-Fi, you open yourself up to browser hijackers that spread malware to unwary online users. You may be browsing a news website when a seemingly harmless pop-up ad displays on your screen. What you don't realize is that by clicking on it by accident, you're inviting harmful malware into your phone or laptop.

Packet Sniffing

The illicit monitoring of data sent between devices is known as packet sniffing or eavesdropping. Internet users who do not employ Wi-Fi hotspot protection risk losing crucial information as well as having their data altered. Your business partner, for example, may get your message after it has been tampered with by hackers for their own nefarious intentions.

Surprisingly, no master codebreaker is required to intercept or steal personal data over public Wi-Fi. It's enough to have the correct equipment and a qualified psychologist. Sure, slick thieves require a few programs and specialized equipment for actual sniffing, but the unwary and careless user is the secret ingredient to any hacker's success.

Let's figure out how to be vigilant and leave these fraudsters with nothing.

How to stay safe on public Wi-Fi

Here’s what you need to do if you want to minimize public Wi-Fi security risks:

• Use a VPN

• Turn off Bluetooth and file-sharing

• Don’t open or send sensitive data

• Use an antivirus

• Enable firewall
